Liebesgrüsse aus Wien

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Day 9: Rome

Porta Pia

the other side of the gate

look at the orange trees lining the street!

There's nothing special about this bill board... except please look up "kaka" in Yugoslavian... :P


Fontano del Triton

a museum

San Carlo Quattro Fontane




Colonna dell'Immacolata

Piazza del Popolo



Mausoleo Augusto

I just took this picture because Enej liked the elephant...

Area Sacra

Teatro Marcello



Isola from the other side of Fiume Tevere

Ponte Rotto

Casa dei Crescenzi

Temple of Portunus

Santa Maria in Cosmedin

Arch of Janus

Temples of Forum Boaraium

the temples again with Fontana dei Trioni

We had to wait another hour for the Bocca della Verita (my idea again...) The price you have to pay to get your hand bitten...

Bocca della Verita

Pyramid of Caius Cestius

Santa Maria in Trastevere

Piazza Trilussa

At the end of the day it was absolutely pouring. We cooked some dinner at the hostel and just waited for our night train.

the hostel reception

lounge (I fell asleep by the window the night before...)


We took the night train to Venice and then Enej and I split up. I went back to Vienna to catch my plane and he went to Ljubljana for a couple more days. We didn't have a sleeper on the night train and then my train to Vienna was delayed for more than 2 hours so I spent more than 15 hours on the train... Fun...


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