Ottakringer Brewery
Today the school trip went to the Ottakringer Brewery. And of course I had to pull something. I was running a bit late and when I got to school I saw people getting into the U Bahn station so I just followed them. Turned out they were the other group going to Schoenbrunn today and I didn't realized that until I got to the palace. I knew they were going to the Schoenbrunn station, but the brewery could have been right inside the palace for all I know! (that's my excuse.) Fortunately the gang was split into 2 groups and one of them got to sample the beer first so I didn't miss the tour. I stuck with them and it didn't really matter to me that I didn't get as much time to drink because I don't like beer anyways. The malty taste always makes me wanna throw up XP Honestly I wasn't all that interested in the brewery. The Shoenbrunn trip was a lot more fun.

the brewery
I'm glad that I got to go with the 2nd group, but some people drank so much beer before they even went on the tour (the beer was free), they were basically drunk! (And it wasn't even noon yet!) I felt sorry for the tour guide, and today was supposed to be his first English tour, but most of us weren't even listening to him and some of them even left the group and went to places they weren't supposed to. The management even came out to have a "talk" with him...

At the bar. Look at Andrew dancing haha~~ probably already drunk

Inside the compound

Big tanks to ferment the beer


What they used to brew the beer with. After every brew somebody has to climb into every one of those barrels through a tiny hole and scrub the insides clean. How would you like to have that job!?

bottling machines

the presentation theatre

the brewery
I'm glad that I got to go with the 2nd group, but some people drank so much beer before they even went on the tour (the beer was free), they were basically drunk! (And it wasn't even noon yet!) I felt sorry for the tour guide, and today was supposed to be his first English tour, but most of us weren't even listening to him and some of them even left the group and went to places they weren't supposed to. The management even came out to have a "talk" with him...

At the bar. Look at Andrew dancing haha~~ probably already drunk

Inside the compound

Big tanks to ferment the beer


What they used to brew the beer with. After every brew somebody has to climb into every one of those barrels through a tiny hole and scrub the insides clean. How would you like to have that job!?

bottling machines

the presentation theatre